Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Dan Geraci and Hardpressed Training out of Chicago, Warrior Medical and Fitness donated a beautiful MX-4 Multi-exerciser for the VETS in San Antonio. The machine was painted in Blue and Gold, installed by Rogers Athletics, and looked stunning in their Spinal Care Unit. The VA training staff was blown away at the quality of the machine, the professionalism of our team and cannot wait to get their soldiers training on it.
Our goal is to continue to raise funds to provide the MX-4 and other tools for our returning soldiers. More and more young men are coming home with multiple injuries, but still have their whole lives ahead of them. They need OUR help to make their daily life better. The Mx-4 provides those with accessible needs, the ability to perform productive strength exercises without supervision. This helps create independence and gives them something back that was lost. Designed around the chair, the MX-4 is a weight lifters dream, built tough, yet still adaptable for specific needs.
Join OUR cause …. Give back to those that have given so much for our freedoms.
Together we can make a difference !!!!